Ukraine or Russia. Who WiIl India Support?

Ukraine Russia Conflict: A diplomatically challenging situation for India.

India has been a country that has avoided taking sides with nations on a global stage both in times of peace and in time of war.

This is called as policy of non alignment by the foreign policy pundits.

In feb 2022 when India's all weather friend Russia undertook a military campaign to invade its neighbor Ukraine , a diplomatically challenging situation was created for India. This situation challenged India's policy of non alignment because being major economic power and close friend of Russia India was expected by western nations, including Ukraine, to convince Russian leader Vladimir Putin for cessation of Ukrainian invasion.

However in these challenging times India stuck to its principles of advocating for global peace and avoiding polarization of the world. But at the same time India fulfilled its responsibility by using platform of UN to make appeals for maintaining peace.

Owing to its historical ties with Russia the idea of convincing Putin also was justified.

Russia and India have been all weather friends. And both PM Modi and Prez. Putin have been meeting each other as the representative of their nations for quite some time now.

In fact India has already started doing it. News reports came that Modiji had a 25 minutes long conversation with Prez. Putint he previous day, asking him to truncate Ukrainian invasion.

There is no way India is taking sides with Ukraine.

There are many historical/diplomatic reasons for that. One being Ukraine supported post 1998 Pokhran nuclear tests sanctions put on India by the west.

But in foreign relations every country is allowed to keep national interest above anything else.

Russia felt a threat from Ukraine joining NATO so it did what it did.

Had Ukraine's military might been a match for Russia ,no doubt it would have RETALIATED without worrying about global impacts of a full scale war.

NATO is keeping itself out of the war because a large percentage of many of it's European members' energy needs are fulfilled solely by Russian gas.

Similarly any step that India takes from here on , will be taken keeping in mind Indian national interest only.

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